Sunday, February 13, 2005


what is this?!

it's 9:15 pm in my laptop clock. shoud've been lying down to sleep in preparation for tomorrow. it's no biggie tomorrow, except for the fact that it's valentine's day and it's a happy day tomorrow, well it depends if we're talking about doing loads and loads of stuff for CLA day and the ENGLTRI panel discussion. my neck starts to ache, my eyes are swelling big time and i'm tired clacking on the keyboard and reaching for the shift, arrow and the delete keys... ang hiram ng maikling kuko...

i want to finish the novel by tonight, but this ENGLTRI hinders me to do so. seriously, i want to get over this piece of shti. in pronto. no offense meant but i prefer working individually.

my head starts to ache, i'm just getting a break from looking at one side of the laptop then to the screen. it damages eyesight, fyi, and mine is damaged already, since computers are made popular by mr. microsoft man.

this 120/50 vision is your fault, mr. whoever you are who invented high resolution computer monitors!

arrgh... "the heat has touched your head, Lupeng...." -Don Paeng, Summer Solstice

i'm tired, and i want to sleep, yet i can't stop from ranting. i can't stop it... grrr... can somebody stop me?!
